Mariposa California restaurant for sale

Fine Dining Restaurant and Catering Company

Mariposa, CA…. Near Yosemite National Park

$ 1,295,000.00

Owner will carry to well qualified buyer with substantial down

It is a six acre parcel with commercial zoning. It has county approval to add a Bed and Breakfast and increase all existing buildings 25%.

The restaurant is a converted farm house reminiscent of a charming European mountain resort. It is nestled in the pines and oaks with pastoral views from the patio area and dining rooms. Diners are attracted by the nearness to Yosemite National Park and the wildlife wandering by during dinner. The reputation of the dining experience stands alone with its three star rating.

The owner/chef has run the businesses for approximately 14 years. Owner will provide training for a negotiated time period. The restaurant operates with a license to sell beer and wine.

It is an Owner Operated restaurant with other rentals on a month to month basis.

The two rental properties generate $1,100.00 per month with well seasoned tennants

[email protected]

Mariposa CA fine dining in the garden Mariposa CA fine dining restaurant for sale

Mariposa CA fine dining restaurant and catering business for sale Mariposa CA elegant restaurant experience for sale

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